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Introducing prison needle and syringe programs (PNSPs) in Canada is an important solution to the growing HIV and hepatitis C epidemic in Canada’s federal prison system. But making this happen requires political will. WE NEED YOU. Public support for PNSPs is essential to ensure that Canadian politicians and decision-makers are committed to supporting the immediate implementation of PNSPs.

What you can do:

  • Read our report, Under the Skin: A People’s Case for Prison Needle and Syringe Programs.
  • Make a donation to the campaign. Without the generous support of individuals and organizations our work on this issue would be impossible. Donate today. Every little bit helps.
  • Help us get the word out on this important issue by sharing the report with your friends, family members, colleagues, and broader networks.
  • Keep informed about any upcoming developments on this advocacy work by watching this space, and signing up to our social media channels:
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I know 13 women and men who caught hepatitis C or HIV while they were inside. They got it from sharing needles. Prison is not going to stop anybody from doing drugs. But [they] can stop people from sharing needles if they gave them out.”